A Selection of Seasonal Allergy Remedies

Now that spring has finally arrived, those who live with allergies have to cope with the yearly onslaught of itchy, watery misery. Whether you cope with reactions to indoor or outdoor allergens, if you're discovering that typical allergy medication just aren't working for you... let's inform you about some seasonal allergy remedies that simply may.

Science knows that allergies are the exaggerated reaction from your own immune system to something in your surroundings. They are relatively common, with both genetics and environmental factors playing a part. Sources of trouble include pollen, pet dander, mold and dust, foods and drugs. Allergic reactions can include insect bites, spices, jewelry, cosmetics or other substances.

The fantastic news is that there are a few much less promoted but quite effective natural alternative allergy treatments which can assist your body to fight gloomy allergy symptoms. If you're already affected, these seven tips can help you too.

1) An allergy free diet - sure allergens are external, but our own body reacts on the inside, and this reaction is responsible for the allergy symptoms that you are feeling. If your body is overwhelmed from allergies, your immune system becomes hypersensitive, even more inclined to overreact to outside allergens. Be aware of what you are eating... common problem spots are wheat, dairy and added sugar.

2) Supplement with vitamin C and quercetin - this vitamin helps stabilize the cells located in the lining of the mucous membranes. It is those cells that release histamine when they come in contact with an allergen, often a cause for watering eyes, sneezing and runny nose. The vitamin C (1500 mg), supported by quercetin (500 milligrams), makes these cells reactive. Start daily doses at the first sign of an allergic reaction and repeat every 4 to 6 hours.

3) Have some honey - select local honey from bees found in your region, and attempt a spoonful. The thinking goes that this is similar to immunotherapy, introducing a very small dose of what makes you respond can reduce your sensitivity. When bees gather nectar they also gather pollen grains which get in the honey providing a source of homeopathic immunotherapy. Start taking a daily dose several weeks/months ahead of the allergy season.

4) Steam your mind over hot water containing essential oils - Add four drops of eucalyptus oil, 1-2 drops of tea tree oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil into a spoonful of recently boiled water. Cover your mind and basin using a towel and breath intensely for five to ten minutes.

5) Soothe inflamed nasal passages - washing allergens from the nasal passages with salt water is an easy, natural way to reduce your symptoms and keep pollen from triggering the allergy process in the body.

6) Try tea made from stinging nettle leaves - a perennial that is aptly called, this pure substance is safe and healthy when in liquid form. Make the tea steep (let it break) for 10-15 minutes to get the complete benefit.

7) Try acupuncture - this pain-free, noninvasive technique can be very effective, helping to relax an overactive immune system. Employed from the nose region it can help reduce inflammation of the nasal and nasal area, where the majority of the suffering of allergies can be felt.

By trying one or more of these seasonal allergy treatments, you just may discover that you can delight in the springtime (or anytime) without sniffling, sneezing or suffering.

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